Influence Map; That is to say, a Map of my Influences.
The “influence map” game has been making the rounds on blogs as of late, so here I am; Jumping on the bandwagon.
I found the task of narrowing down a group of artists to include on this chart simultaneously maddening and refreshing. It’s impossibly difficult to try and decide who to include on a chart of my influences, as one can appreciate something from nearly any artist…but the influences listed here are artists, individuals, and ideas that I feel have shaped my picture-making decisions, and will continue to influence my artistic endeavors into the future. I’ll echo Lucas Graciano in saying that it will be interesting to see the changes in this chart when I revisit this exercise in a few years.
Ah, and as an added “Fun Bonus..!” The first person to correctly identify everyone/everything on my chart will win yourself an animal sketch (extinct or otherwise) of your choice. This isn’t so much a challenge (as the chart is filled with pretty recognizable images)as much as it is a “whoever posts first wins” sort of thing….So get identifying, folks!