Hurakan, God of Storms
(click the above terrible, low-res thumb for the hi-res imagine)
For the first time in a long time, I’ll be participating in an art challenge. The subject of this challenge? You guessed it; design Hurakan, the Mayan diety of storms. When I read over the challenge description on Jon Schindehette’s blog, a challenge that had the participant designing a deity that has (to my knowledge) never been depicted, I knew I had to give it a go.
Outside of monsters, gods are my favorite subject matter to create. When it comes to dieties, I like my designs to be one of two extremes; completely downplayed with a mild whimsical feel (Think Larry MacDougal) or completely over-the-top and fantastical (along the lines of Kekai’s Guild Wars deities.) I opted for fantastical for this design, due to the fact I could cut loose and go wild with the silhouettes, the first step in this challenge.
I had a lot of fun with these, and I’m looking forward to the next step in this multi-part challenge. Stay tuned here and over at ArtOrder for the progression of this design.