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September 20, 2009

Hurakan, God of Storms

Filed under: Deities, Thumbnails — tb @ 1:45 am


 (click the above terrible, low-res thumb for the hi-res imagine)

     For the first time in a long time, I’ll be participating in an art challenge.  The subject of this challenge?  You guessed it; design Hurakan, the Mayan diety of storms.  When I read over the challenge description on Jon Schindehette’s blog, a challenge that had the participant designing a deity that has (to my knowledge) never been depicted, I knew I had to give it a go.


     Outside of monsters, gods are my favorite subject matter to create.  When it comes to dieties, I like my designs to be one of two extremes; completely downplayed with a mild whimsical feel (Think Larry MacDougal) or completely over-the-top and fantastical (along the lines of Kekai’s Guild Wars deities.)  I opted for fantastical for this design, due to the fact I could cut loose and go wild with the silhouettes, the first step in this challenge.


I had a lot of fun with these, and I’m looking forward to the next step in this multi-part challenge.  Stay tuned here and over at ArtOrder for the progression of this design.




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  1. Interesting how you kept this one so loose, based on the immense detail you put into your illustrations. Compared to the other submissions, I think yours has a more genuine feel to it. Like it was drawn on a cave wall.

    Comment by Dan Gray — September 22, 2009 @ 9:34 am
  2. Thanks Dan. I’m not a huge fan of pumping a ton of work and time into silhouettes; doing so kind of defeats the purpose, in my mind. The idea behind them is to get several neat, visual “reads” in a short amount of time, take the ones you like, and work them up from there. If you start working out and rendering the exact shape of feathers on the edge of a silhouette, it sort of defeats the purpose and starts to become a rendered character design more than an idea.

    the time for details and what not comes after these little character-shape explorations. These are just to get a neat, definitive shape that’s iconic, interesting, and breaks the mold a little.

    Comment by tb — September 22, 2009 @ 2:50 pm

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