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October 17, 2011

Rhinoceros unicornis

Filed under: Uncategorized, Wildlife — tb @ 5:49 pm



Rhinoceros unicornis,  the Indian Rhinoceros, is the largest of the rhino species, with the males of the species weighing anywhere between 4,000lbs to 8,000lbs.  These are some of my favorite critters to draw (yeah, i know..I say that alot, about so many different things) due to the massive amount of character they carry around with that equally massive build of theirs.


The thick neck folds, the heavy horn, the upward sweep of the skull, the heavy-lidded, unamused eyes…It’s almost to easy to inject heaping spoonfuls of personality into your drawing when sketching these guys.

• • •


  1. Awesome drawing! Rhinos are such “thugs” - gotta love them;)

    Comment by Sally Fuess — October 25, 2011 @ 5:21 am
  2. Thanks Sally, I appreciate it. I have a few more rhino drawings I’m fiddling around with between painting and teaching that will work their way on the blog sooner than later, hopefully.

    Comment by tb — October 25, 2011 @ 11:59 am
  3. This is great! I love it. I’m wondering, though, with the amount of time these guys spend constantly walking around, how did you capture this rhino standing still so well? And the bird in flight too! Are you just incredibly fast, or do you use a photoreference or what? I’m wondering because I have a hard time getting a good drawing out of a moving subject.

    Comment by Jennifer — January 16, 2012 @ 10:09 am
  4. Jennifer,

    It’s a little bit of everything you mentioned. I finished this drawing up at home from some photo reference, but the majority of the heavy lifting on this was done from life at the San Diego Zoo. When drawing a moving subject, I often find myself falling back on my visual memory, and sifting through all the filed-away information in my mind in order to make the drawing work. It also helps when there’s more than one animal in the exhibit; I try not to chase the same animal i started drawing the entire time, but instead I use both animals as two pieces of reference for the same drawing…If one decides to stop cooperating, I fall back on the second animal in the enclosure and continue my drawing, switching back and forth when needed.

    Ah, and the birds..? Those were a fun afterthought… Just a couple of indian myna birds thrown in after I got home to jazz things up a bit.

    The takeaway is to not be bound by what you see; Have confidence in what you know, and fall back on that…. And put some birds in later, because birds are awesome.

    Comment by tb — January 16, 2012 @ 11:54 am
  5. Comment by new balance 路跑鞋 — December 28, 2014 @ 10:46 am
  6. Comment by new balance 996 藍 — December 28, 2014 @ 10:47 am
  7. Comment by new balance 美國代購 — December 28, 2014 @ 10:47 am

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